Virtual Library

The Virtual Library is your source for many of the essentials tools needed for Standardized Patient and simulation work. To view this material, click here to login or sign-up if you are not yet a member.

Resources available include:

Document Resource Bank

This resource includes downloadable documents created and submitted by fellow ASPE members. This bank is divided into two parts: peer reviewed and non-peer reviewed. In this resource you will find examples of forms, descriptions of common practices and written policies on program administration, assessment of students, and training of Standardized Patients. 

Current Literature

Much work is being done in the field of simulation. To help members keep up with the latest scholarly work and resource. A bibliography compiled from a systematic literature of publications related to standardized patient methodology is available here. 

Books and Reviews

We have a list of books that members have recommended and found useful in their research and practice. The ASPE Bookstore at our convention is an opportunity to look over some of the old standards and new publications. If you have found a book or a particular chapter that has been most helpful, please share your thoughts with [email protected].

Publications Committee Resources

The Publications Committee currently regularly reports current research, trends, techniques and information regarding SP methodology and other relevant industry articles on the ASPE eNews Blog.

The Publications Committee published a Newsletter between 2011 and 2016.

  • Archived newsletters from 2011 to 2014 can be found at ASPE News
  • Archived newsletters from 2014 to 2016 can be found at ASPE eNews
Common Terminology and Glossary

The Society for Simulation in Healthcare put together a document defining 127 simulation terms. This dictionary has been developed to enhance communication and clarify terms for simulationists in teaching, education, assessment, research and systems integration.  A link to the dictionary can be found here.

ASPE Social History Compendium

MedEdPORTAL houses a wide-ranging library of cases and case-related materials. An ASPE representative sits on the board of the Submission Committee and anyone is welcome to join. Cases can also be found in ASPE’s Document Resource Bank.