USML/ Mundelein Cor Luxta Meum Project: Introduction to Simulation Pedagogy
USML/ Mundelein Cor Luxta Meum Project: Introduction to Simulation Pedagogy
By: Mundelein Seminary
Submitted by: Darrell Brock, University of Pittsburgh
Faculty and students tell an interesting story of how SP methodology is making an impact in theology training at a seminary.
Watch the video from USML/Mundelein Cor Luxta Meum Project: Introduction to Simulation Pedagogy here.
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Thank you for sharing our video about how SP methodology is used in theology training at our seminary at Mundelein. I noticed a small typo in the name of the project. It should be Cor Iuxta Meum, not Cor Luxta Meum. This means “After My Own Heart” in Latin. I hope you don’t mind me pointing this out. I am the Director of the Cor Iuxta Meum Center for Simulation and Encounter-Based Formation at USML/Mundelein Seminary. If any readers would like more information about this exciting and innovative project, please feel free to contact me. My contact information is: Andrew Holmes Director, Cor Iuxta Meum, Encounter-Based Learning Initiatives 1000 E. Maple Avenue Mundelein, IL 60060 Direct 847-970-4997 | Mobile: 847-946-7847. Email: [email protected]. University of Saint Mary of the Lake | Mundelein Seminary Formed in Tradition | Trained in Compassion | Prepared to Shepherd I look forward to hearing from you and sharing more about our work!