Comparison of Resident Self-Evaluation to Standardized Patient Evaluators in a Multi-Institutional
Comparison of Resident Self-Evaluation to Standardized Patient Evaluators in a Multi-Institutional Objective Structured Clinical Examination
Lead Author: Benjamin John Diaczok, MD
Submitted by: Nicholas Gonzalez, Gordon Center for Simulation and Innovation in Medical Education, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
The Objective Structured Clinical Examination, or OSCE, has stood the test of time and cemented its use in medical simulation and education. With each institution that applies the use of OSCEs, there comes evaluations, and those who evaluate. This article seeks to shine a light on self-evaluation among residents and if Standardized Patients (SPs) evaluate said residents at a similar level of accuracy. This interrater reliability allows one to view how capable residents are of self-evaluating after taking part in a series of challenging OSCEs, and if they rate their performances higher, lower, or equal to that of SPs’ evaluations.
Read the full article in the Simulation in Healthcare, Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare here.
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