Gender-Affirming Care with Transgender and Genderqueer Patients: A Standardized Patient Case

Lead author: Laura Weingartner, PhD, MS
Submitted by: Renee Wadsworth, SP-ed

Transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) people experience extreme health disparities and prejudice in health care settings. The lack of provider training around gender-affirming care for TGD patients has historically contributed to this inadequate care. Patient simulation is a crucial component of teaching medical students about gender-affirming care because it allows students to practice and become more comfortable with these skills in a low-stakes setting.

This resource is unique because it features multiple patient iterations. A group of SPs with various gender identities can portray an individual with the same health history who differs only by details related to gender identity and/or sex assigned at birth. Thus, the same patient can be portrayed by transgender men and women, cisgender men and women, or genderqueer people (who identify with neither or a combination of masculine and feminine genders). This allows for extreme flexibility in casting and assessment by the simulation program.

All case materials and the full article are available in MedEdPORTAL, The Journal of Teaching and Learning Resources here.

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