By: Emma Goldberg, The New York Times
Submitted by: Todd Lash, The Ohio State University
Janine, a nurse in Arizona, checked into the hospital for stomach surgery in 2017. Before the procedure, she told her physician that she did not want medical students to be directly involved. But after the operation, Janine said, as the anesthesia wore off, a resident came by to inform her that she had gotten her period; the resident had noticed while conducting a pelvic exam. “What pelvic exam?” Janine, 33, asked. Distressed, she tried to piece together what had happened while she was unconscious. Why had her sexual organs been inspected during an abdominal operation, by someone other than her surgeon? Later, she said, her physician explained that the operating team had seen she was due for a Pap smear.
Read the full article in The New York Times here.
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Pelvic exams performed without patient consent is one of the many issues supporting a case for utilizing Gynecological Teaching Associates for teaching these exams for medical students and residents. However, under any circumstances, select a surgeon that can be trusted.