Telemedicine Training Proves Vital During Covid-19 Crisis, Increasing Access to Care
Author: Weill Cornell Medicine, Office of External Affairs
Submitted by: Catherine Hagele, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
The doctor will see you now – virtually.
As hospitals and emergency departments urge more patients to stay home to avoid exposing themselves and others to COVID-19 and to reduce stress on the healthcare system, patient care has increasingly moved to web-based video and audio technology called telemedicine. The volume of virtual emergency medicine and ambulatory care visits, using NewYork-Presbyterian’s telemedicine service NYP OnDemand, has increased from about 20-40 patients per day in February 2020 to over 300 per day in March, and numbers continue to rise. Similarly, primary care appointments using Weill Cornell Medicine’s Video Visits have gone up since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, with healthcare practitioners now fielding 700 virtual appointments per day and counting.
Read the full article in Weill Cornell Medicine here.
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