Learning Empathy and Self-Advocacy by Teaching Communication to Medical Professionals
By: Tannaz Motevalli
Submitted by: Kerensa Peterson
People get involved in standardized patient work for many reasons. Some reasons are deeply personal. Many SPs have had experiences with the medical system, either as patients or care-givers and then search for ways to give back to that community of healthcare providers. Tannaz Motevalli not only talks about what drew her to this work but also how being an SP has shaped her relationships with her current doctors.
I had the great pleasure of working with Tannaz Motevalli before she took a position at the National Library of Medicine in Bethesda, MD. Please take a look at her blog post about how her work as an SP has influenced her ability to communicate with and feel empathy for her physicians.
Read the full article on the CF Community Blog at the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation here.
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