Journal Article: Standardized patients in psychiatry – the best way to learn clinical skills?
Journal Article: Standardized patients in psychiatry – the best way to learn clinical skills?
By: Monika Himmelbauer, Tamara Seitz, Charles Seidman, and Henriette Löffler-Stastka
Submitted by: Mary Launder, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
Standardized patients (SP) have been successfully utilized in medical education to train students’ communication skills. At the Medical University of Vienna communication training with SPs in psychiatry is a mandatory part of the curriculum. In the training, the SP plays the role of four different patients suffering from depression/suicidal tendencies, somatoform disorder, anxiety disorder, or borderline disorder while the student attempts to gather the patient’s medical history. Both the instructor and SP then give the student constructive feedback afterwards.
Read the full article in the BMC Medical Education here.
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