Resource: Using Standardized Clients to Train Social Workers in Intimate Partner Violence Assessment
Lead Author: Mary Ann Forgey
Submitted by: Amber Snyder, University of Pittsburgh
Assessment in intimate partner violence (IPV) is an essential component to determine the course of interventions and support provided. This study used Standardized Clients (SC) to train eight Army civilian social workers to implement an evidence-based assessment protocol of IPV.
Participants received on day of didactic, classroom training on the implementation of the assessment protocol. Participants then experienced using the protocol through a one-hour interview with a husband and wife, portrayed by two SC. Peers observed the interview and provided an analysis of the interview content and methods. The SC also provided feedback to the groups about their experience as the client in each interview.
Participants increased their knowledge about the content areas and practiced their skills effectively by engaging with SC. The resulted support the use of SC in IPV assessment training and evaluation.
Read the full article in the Journal of Social Work Education here.
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