Healthcare in Simulation Week 2017
By: Bob Bolyard, ASPE Member Liaison
Thanks to the Society for Simulation in Health Care (SSH), the week of September 11-15 will be celebrated as Healthcare Simulation Week. And ASPE has been invited to the party!
You can get information from the SSH website (special events, promotional material, contests) but there are things you can do to promote the week and your work in healthcare simulation.
In the workplace - Let people who use your facility know what’s going on
- Hang banners, flyers, posters
- Make buttons to wear
- Contact your department and/or campus communications department
- Offer tours and/or an open-house
- Thank your SPs, Sim-Techs and others you work with
In your community – Let the outside world know what you do
- Most television markets now have 1-3 hour evening “news” casts – and they need “news” to fill that time. Contact them to see if they’ll come and do a story on your facility or have you on one of their talk shows. Now’s the time to get on their schedule!
- Your local daily newspaper or weekly paper would also appreciate press releases and pictures. If no one in your office is available to write the releases, your department or campus communications office should be able to help.
And then, let ASPE know what you’ve done! Post pictures/stories/links to the ASPE Facebook page.
We’re all very busy with what we do, but we also need to take the time to let the world to know what we’re doing!
Celebrate Healthcare Simulation Week 2017!
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