ASPE Conference 2017 By the Numbers
By: Todd Lash, Publications Committee Chair
The annual ASPE Conference, “Building a Global Network to Expand Ideas and Knowledge,” will be held in Alexandria, VA, from Saturday, June 3 – Wednesday, June 7. In case you’re worried that you might have too much down time, we have totaled some numbers to demonstrate the diversity in program offerings.
This year’s conference will feature more than 160 total hours of scheduled content:
- 24 hours of Immersion Courses options
- 20 hours of SP Day Workshop options
- 32 hours of Pre-Conference Workshop options
- 4 hours of Plenary options
- Remaining hours of content(grouped by type):
- 25 Workshops
- 33 Snapshots
- 38 Presentation Discussions
- 4 Oral Research presentations
- 7 Training Technique
- 1 Real World Technology presentation
Alternately, hours of content grouped by theme:
- 9 sessions totaling 10 hours on Administration
- 21 sessions totaling 20 hours on Advancing your SPs
- 25 sessions totaling 22 hours on Curriculum/Case Development
- 3 sessions totaling 19 hours on Foundations
- 5 sessions totaling 14 hours on Grants and Research
- 7 sessions totaling 10 hours on GTAs/MUTAs
- 3 sessions totaling 6 hours on Hybrid Simulation
- 13 sessions totaling 10 hours on Interprofessional Education
- 27 sessions totaling 26 hours on SP Educator Development
- 3 sessions totaling 3 hours on Applications Beyond Healthcare
- 6 sessions totaling 3 hours on Technology
And we have 29 posters to view and hear about during the poster crawl!
It’s not all work during the conference. We alsohave scheduled approximately 13 hours of activities such as receptions, orientations, meals and snacks, and stretch breaks to allow plenty of time for networking and digesting what you have learned. And that’s not counting after-hours activities that are not on the schedule!
With nearly 400 registrants expected at the conference, along with the abundance of program content, attendees should have little difficulty building their global networks to expand their ideas and knowledge.