Incorporating Real-time Simulated Patient and Instructor Feedback to Enhance Simulation Learning Experience for Occupational Therapy Students: A Mixed Methods Study

By: Lauren Woods et al
Submitted by: Marsha Harman, Rush Center for Clinical Skills and Simulation

This study aimed to examine how occupational therapy (OT) students incorporate real-time Simulated Patient (SP) feedback, numerical feedback (i.e. scores), and instructor-written feedback to enhance their learning from the simulation experience. This mixed methods study collected learner assessment numerical data and qualitative data (SP feedback and instructor written feedback) in first-year OT students’ simulation learning sessions. The students answered six debrief questions reflecting on the simulation process, explaining how they plan to incorporate the feedback in future OT practice. Quantitative results of student performance data were reported. Seven themes emerged from the thematic analysis of the debrief reflections. These themes provided information on students’ perceptions of the experience and illustrated how they plan to use the feedback. The findings of this study provide instructors strategies that can be used to enhance student learning when designing simulations. This study found that numerical and written feedback from the instructor was more meaningful when combined with real-time SP feedback.

I was struck by the fact that one of the primary learner responses to having SP feedback immediately after the simulation was a sense of relief and a lessening of anxiety about their scores.

Read the full article in The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy here.

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Comments on "Incorporating Real-time Simulated Patient and Instructor Feedback to Enhance Simulation Learning Experience for Occupational Therapy Students: A Mixed Methods Study"

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Amy Rush - Thursday, December 12, 2024

This link is not correct - Kaylee, can you edit it, please? This happened to have taken place at my institution, so I'm excited about it! Thank you!

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