An Interactive Online Interprofessional Opioid Education Training Using Standardized Patients
An Interactive Online Interprofessional Opioid Education Training Using Standardized Patients
By: Connie M. Remsberg et al
Submitted by: Marsha Harman, Rush Center for Clinical Skills and Simulation
Opioid pain management is complex and requires a collaborative approach. To prepare health professions students to care for patients who have chronic pain, the authors developed an interprofessional education (IPE) session for delivery using a virtual platform that featured a standardized patient (SP) interaction. The low-stakes, formative training has been developed to enable health profession students to learn from each other about how to provide collaborative care to a patient taking opioids for chronic pain. Since the widespread adoption of videoconferencing technology for teaching and learning is relatively new, this format provides a unique opportunity for IPE. This online IPE opioid education training session, which targets learners from nursing, pharmacy, medicine, physician assistant, and social work, dedicates specific time to the following elements: IP team collaboration to assess and interview an SP with chronic pain who takes opioids, IP team care planning and discussion, and development of a written IP treatment plan submitted as a formative assignment. Other programs may find this IPE training useful specifically because it addresses one of the biggest hurdles in IPE by providing a model for connecting geographically separated students through videoconferencing technology.
Read the full article on MedEdPORTAL here.
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