In The Spotlight: University of Central Florida – College of Medicine
In The Spotlight: University of Central Florida – College of Medicine
Submitted By: Rebecca Beiler
Full Center Name: Clinical Skills and Simulation Center
Center Location: Orlando, Florida, United States
Year Opened: 2006
Center Mission Statement: 1. Provide a safe learning environment for the undergraduate medical curriculum to teach and assess students in a patient-centered care. The center will achieve this by providing well trained Standardized Patients and staff, as well as, state of the art simulation equipment.
2. Develop a line of extramural work for training of medical personnel outside UCF.
Learner Groups Supported
- Medical/ Osteopathic Students
- Nurses
- Pharmacy
- Physical Therapy
- Practicing Physicians
- Residencies/GME
Is there a GTA/MUTA program?
Who staffs the GTA/MUTA program
SP Trained for GTA/MUTA
Center Name By the Numbers:
- Critical Care Room: 5
- Exam Room: 16
- Do the counseling/exam Rooms have 1-way mirrors? Yes
- Recording System: CAE LearningSpace
- Employees/Staff of Center or Program (excluding SP): 11
- Staff Managing SP Program: 7
- Number of SPs: 100
Please direct any questions about the UCF Clinical Skills and Simulation Center to Rebecca Beiler!
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The mission of the ASPE Center Spotlight is to connect simulation centers and promote interagency and interdisciplinary collaboration in SP and simulation methodology.