ASPE Annual Conference Poster Winners
Submitted by: Todd Lash, The Ohio State University
The ASPE 2020 Annual Conference featured 10 innovation and 6 research poster submissions. Kevin Hobbs announced the winners during the Awards Ceremony on Friday, August 14, 2020. Poster judges included Kerry Knickle, Nancy McNaughton, Karen Szauter, Jane Miller, Cate Nicholas, Temple West, Emma Vic and Jackie Klevan.
First Prize for Innovation
Training PETAs for Accurate Orthopedic Exam Assessment
Todd Lash, Ryan K. Harrison, Michael J. Alexander, Sheryl Pfeil and Camilla Curren, The Ohio State University
Literature exists supporting the use of trained laypersons to successfully teach and evaluate the physical exam (PE) skills of novice learners. Medical schools use Physical Exam Teaching Associates (PETAs) to teach and assess comprehensive, sensitive or specialized PEs. Studies have shown that PETAs evaluate learners’ skills as well as or better than faculty evaluators. However, little literature exists on how to train the PETAs. Our program rolled out a new PETA activity in 2017. We developed a 3-step training model which included pre-training, a 2-hour training workshop, and a 2-hour Objective Structured Teaching Experience (OSTE). Our goal was to investigate the effectiveness of our time-efficient, 4-hour training model. We report percent PETA/Observer agreement (range 83.7 - 98.4%) and intraclass correlation coefficient (good or excellent for 28/49, and fair, poor or not reported for 21/49 items).
First Prize for Research
Impact of Socioeconomic Bias on the Decision Making of Emergency Medicine Residents
Heather Fasano, Maggie McCarter, Jacquelyn Simonis, Gretchen Hoelscher and Mark Bullard, Carolinas Simulation Center and Carolinas Medical Center
Implicit biases are subconscious and unintentional however have been shown to impact clinical decision-making, resulting in disparities in patient care. While most existing studies focus on gender, weight and racial bias, there is evidence suggesting that the socioeconomic status (SES) of a patient may elicit an additional implicit bias from physicians. This study aimed to investigate disparities in emergency medicine (EM) resident decision-making among patients of varying SES.
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