In The Spotlight: Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
Submitted By: Robin Lewis-Bedz
Full Center Name: Clinical Skills Training & Simulation Center
Center Location: Rochester, MI
Year Opened: 2011
Center Mission Statement: The Mission of the Clinical Skills Center is to educate, innovate, and facilitate the clinical skills development of learners to create competent, caring medical professionals capable of providing positive patient outcomes.
Bragging Points:
- The amount of interaction the medical students have with our SPs
- Two years ago, the Dean of the School of Medicine began inviting all of our SPs to attend the commencement ceremony. They sit in a section of seats near the podium, and are acknowledged as a crucial part of the educational experience. Watching our students applaud and recognize their efforts is a highlight of their year.
What makes your team work well?
- Responsibility
- Strong written and communication skills
- Keen observation skills
- A desire to learn
Learner Groups Supported
- Medical Students
- Medical Center/Health Care Employees
- Nurses
- Residencies/GME
Is there a GTA/MUTA program?
Who staffs the GTA/MUTA program
SP Trained for GTA/MUTA
Center By the Numbers:
- Classroom/Seminar Room: 2
- Exam Room: 16
- Lounge/Kitchen/SP Staging Room: 1
- Recording System: CAE LearningSpace
- Employees/Staff of Center or Program (excluding SP): 3.5
- Number of SPs: 35
Please direct any questions about Oakland University Clinical Skills Training & Simulation Center to Robin Lewis-Bedz!
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The mission of the ASPE Center Spotlight is to connect simulation centers and promote interagency and interdisciplinary collaboration in SP and simulation methodology.