An Overview of How to Encourage the Standardized Patient (SP) Teaching Methodology – From the Perspective of a SP and SP Trainer
By: Wu Jiansheng
Submitted by: Todd Lash, Publications Committee Chair
As one of the first generation of Standardised Patients in China, perhaps Asia as well, I have been working in the clinical skills training center in West China Medical School of Sichuan University for 25 years. I would like to share with you how I joined this little-known and somewhat mysterious field, participated in this form of teaching, and progressed from a normal SP to a SP trainer. It is noted that the Standardised Patient (SP) was first introduced by Howard Barrows in 1963. In 1993, West China School of Clinical Medicine, Sichuan University was the first to do the training courses and trained the first group of SPs. In 2003, China Medical Board (CMB) America organized a “Student Evaluation Plan Program”; 8 Chinese medical schools joined and imported the training program to China.