IMSH 2024 Plenary Session: Duncan Wardle, The Michael S. Gordon Center Lecture on Medical Education

IMSH 2024 Plenary Session: Duncan Wardle, The Michael S. Gordon Center Lecture on Medical Education
By: Samantha Syms, University of Miami Gordon Center

Duncan Wardle, Former Head of Innovation & Creativity at Disney began his plenary by asking the audience members to raise their hands if they considered themselves “creatives.” For those who did not raise their hands, he states that for adults, not being creative is an accepted fate. He then tasked participants to assume subject matter experts and exert our stance on eccentric issues: parachutes for elephants and sex therapy for bees and explain to our partners the importance of this topic. This activity illustrated the ability for us lean into our creativity without bounds and to be playful when developing big ideas.

Next, he explained various barriers to innovative ideas and how automatic responses like “no because” can make them smaller, whereas “yes and” makes ideas bigger. He urged us to be intentional when considering diversity as innovation adding, “if someone doesn’t look like you, they don’t think like you, and they can help you think different.” He concluded by suggesting that we be brave and take smart risks and leaving us with a lasting message, “the opposite of bravery is conformity.”

Learn more about the Theory of Creativity™ and how to foster a culture of innovation and creativity at Duncan’s website here.

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