How Medical Improv Training Sparks Better Communication, Teamwork

By: Timothy M. Smith

Submitted by: Michael Maury, UC-San Diego

Some of the most adverse patient outcomes are caused by poor communication, so medical schools are adopting improv—improvisational theater training—to help students live more in the moment and better empathize with patients. A study published prior to the pandemic found that students used the skills they learned from it, but the gravity of COVID-19 now supplies the ultimate proving ground.

Read the full article in American Medical Association.

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Mary Lee Carter - Tuesday, January 19, 2021

In 2019, I attended Katie Watson's Medprov Train the Trainer at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. It was a week of learning how to use Applied Improvisation techniques to improve communication and patient safety in both healthcare education settings as well as practice settings. There are so many skills that are invaluable in a COVID-19 world and after.

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