Submitted by: Todd Lash, Publications Committee Chair
The ASPE Standards of Best Practice (SOBP) received a special contribution award for advancing SP methodologies in China. The award came from the China SP Practice Teaching Guidance Committee (CSPC) and the China International Association for Promotion of Science and Technology (CIAPST).
President Elect Rob MacAulay accepted the award at the province in October. Upon receiving the award, MacAulay stated, “[ASPE SOBP] work is reaching every corner of the world, and I couldn’t have been prouder accepting on [the authors’] behalf.”
Congratulations to the SOBP authors: Karen Lewis, Carrie Bohnert, Wendy Gammon, Henrike Hölzer, Lorraine Lyman, Cathy Smith, Tonya Thompson, Amelia Wallace and Gayle Gliva-McConvey!
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